These are incredibly formative years. It's an honor to be a part of the growth process.
Massachusetts Gov. Deval Patrick once described education as “the Commonwealth’s signature calling card around the world.” That reputation is well deserved, as the state attracts the brightest teachers in the nation with its innovative educational policies.
As part of an overhaul of the Massachusetts Curriculum Frameworks, elementary school teachers have re-focused their efforts on inquiry-based instruction. Rather than simply teach from a book, you’ll spend more time interacting with students and creating engaging classroom experiences.
By crafting lessons that actually inspire young students to explore a challenging topic, teachers are improving learning outcomes. According to “The Nation’s Report Card,” a national assessment of America’s students, the work of elementary teachers in Massachusetts is paying off.
The report shows that 58 percent of all fourth graders in Massachusetts were listed as “proficient” in mathematics, compared to the national average of 41 percent. Similarly high marks were given for reading examinations.